Course Schedule
Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, & Burnout for
First Responders and Medical Professionals
Course Schedule (specific time spacing subject to vary)
30 minutes: Discussion of compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress, & burnout
- Similarities and differences
- Occupational hazard
- Risk factors
- Signs and symptoms in self and others
- ProQol
- Betrayal trauma and moral injury
- Unique professional experiences
20 minutes: Discussion of psychological and physiological impacts of traumatic stress
- Risk of chronic health conditions
- Cognitive, emotional, social, and psychological responses (both positive and negative) during or after a traumatic event
- How the nervous system responds and is impacted by trauma
- Neuroplasticity- trauma changes the brain and that doesn’t have to be permanent. Ex. Post Traumatic Stress Injury (instead of Disorder)
30 minutes: Learning strategies used to build resilience and treat effects of work-related trauma & stress
- Individual, managerial, and organizational levels
- Development of an action plan
- Strategies to use in the moment, after, and an ongoing basis.
- Tools for self-monitoring or screening
- Tips for giving and seeking support
- When and how to seek professional help
10 minutes: Wrap-up & final questions
CE evaluation & sign out: 10 minutes (not counted in CE hours)