Course Schedule

Emotional Competence in Clinical Sport Psychology (CSP)
and Mental Performance Consulting (MPC) Trainees

Course Schedule (specific time spacing subject to vary)

Overview of course (10 minutes): Objectives and framing the conversation

Defining supervision & mentorship (15 minutes): Defining terms such as supervision, supervisor, mentorship, and mentor

Well-being and the sport ecosystem (30 minutes): Discussion of research related to well-being of trainees, CSPs, and MPCs with specific attention to experiences of those from minoritized groups. Outlining threats to well-being within the sport ecosystem.

Competency-based training (30 minutes): Outlining the role of competency-based training and standards within CSP & MPC fields.

Break (15 minutes; not counted in CE hours)

The ethical imperative of well-being in CSPs & MPCs (30 minutes): Defining emotional competence and review of Ethics Codes and standards related to CSP/MPC well-being.

Supervisor/mentor relationship with trainees (20 minutes): Discussing cultural humility within this relationship and informed consent

Building trainee emotional competence (45 minutes): Discussing competency-based training factors. Discussion of a model of supervision/mentorship with experiential exercises one can use during supervision/mentorship.

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